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Terms & Conditions
Lisbon in Blues

All bookings for "Lisbon in Blues "  are accepted on the basis of these Terms and Conditions. By proceeding with the booking of this event you understand and agree to be bound to these Terms and Conditions.

1. Payment terms

By registering for "Lisbon in Blues "  we expected you to pay the adequate fee after receiving the confirmation e-mail with the information required to proceed with the payment. If the payment is not done within the period required in the confirmation e-mail, the registration will be cancelled to make room for other participants. All bank transfer fees must be paid by the attendee.

2. Refund policy

We do not offer refunds on tickets. However, if you have purchased a ticket and can no longer attend we accept the transfer of your ticket to another person with the same dance role ,the same track and level of the orginal attendee.
To transfer your ticket we must receive a written request to at least one week (7 days) before the event. Please include the following information in your email:

Your name
The name of the person you are transferring the ticket to
E-mail address of the person you are transferring the ticket to
Dance role, track and level

3. Injuries and thefts

"Lisbon in Blues "  organizers will not be held responsible for any physical injuries, or damages to / thefts of private property that might occur during"Lisbon in Blues "
4. Admission

"Lisbon in Blues"  organizers, staff, volunteers and attendees have the right to work and dance in a safe and non-threatening environment. We reserve the right to refuse admission and/or contact with any person who displays verbal, physical and/or threatening behavior towards our organizers, staff, volunteers and to other attendees.

"Lisbon in Blues"  reserves the right to turn down registrations or refuse entry to any part of the event.

5. Code of conduct

All individuals attending "Lisbon in Blues" have the right to enjoy dancing in a safe and enjoyable environment where appropriate social behavior is expected. We reserve the right to ask any person who displays inappropriate behavior towards our attendees to leave the event.

The "Lisbon in Blues"  attendees are bound to behave in accordance with the general rules of conduct and with the existing Portuguese laws. In case of transgression you will be in the jurisdiction of the Portuguese competent authorities.

6. Changes

"Lisbon in Blues"  organizers reserve the right to make any changes to the program (events, time, location), venues and prices if necessary. Please check regularly our website, and Facebook page and event for updates.

7. Filming and Photography

The "Lisbon in Blues"  will be documented with photographs and film footage. The attendees acknowledge that they can be photographed or filmed, and that these photographs and video footage can be used for promotional purposes. The attendees may ask"Lisbon in Blues" organizes to delete or not to use a picture by sending an e-mail to

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