
2ªfeira - 21:15 às 22:15
curso de iniciação de 3 meses - 3 fev a 28 abril
não precisas de par
monday 21:15 to 22 :15
beginnerS 3 month course - february 3 to april 28
don't need a partner to join.
38€ -mensalidade
12€ - Aula avulso
7€ - Aula experimental (descontada se te inscreveres)
99€ - curso (pago antecipadamente)
38€ - monthly
12€ - drop-in class
7€ - try out class
99€ -cuurse (payed in advanced)
se não puderes vir á aula podes substituir noutra que te seja adequada, fala connosco.
if you can't make it to class you can substitute in another that suits you.
Este Curso de inciação decorre de fevereiro a abril inscreve-te e reserva o teu lugar.
This beginners Course happens from february to april register and save your spot.
neste curso de iniciação vais aprender:
- como a música e os movimentos do corpo se conectam
- alguns dos passos fundamentais
- comunicação no par
alguns dos movimentos característicos que vais aprender:
- liderar e seguir mudanças de direção
- as várias posições da dança
- bases de slowbal, promenade, slide, crosses
- slow out, multiple tripleIn this introductory course you will learn:
- how music and body movements connect
- some of the fundamental steps
- partner comunication
Some of the characteristic movements you will learn:
- lead and follow changes in direction
- the various dance positions
- slowball bases, promenade, slide, crosses
- lslow out, multiple triples
uma dança a pares elegante , fluida e graciosa.
è Dançada ao som das Big Bands da era de ouro do Swing nos ritmo mais calmos
an elegant, relaxed, flowing and graceful partner dance. Danced to the sound of Big Bands from the golden age of swing at the slowest paces.
Slow balboa has been developed in the USA to dance to slow tempo swing music. This dance style emphasizes smooth and accurate connection. Typical features are subtle changes of weight, sophisticated footwork and focusing on maintaining close dance position to achieve fluent and flowing dance experience. Slow balboa offers dancers a platform to express musicality with unhurried movements while creating a refined and close dance atmosphere
an elegant, relaxed, flowing and graceful partner dance. Danced to the sound of Big Bands from the golden age of swing at the slowest paces.
misturado - Rua José Estevão 45 B , Lisboa